Thursday, October 21, 2010

From reconnaissance to rock.   
Whisky a Go Go,  December of 2009.
Torture longer used to punish enemies of the state. The band Torture Box, aptly named for the way they command respect in the Olympia music scene, has been banging out tunes since 2007. As Frank Boss (former bassist) puts it Torture Box will make you want to "reduce this piece" from the pure adrenaline surge the band deploys at their shows. Many of their fans agree, this can only be experienced from attending a live show, and trust me, youtube does these guys no justice.

With the help of a social networking site for musicians, Lead singer Luke Clevenger and guitarist Ricky Otto Gabard discovered each other. Shortly after they began a extensive search for a bassist and a drummer. Their search came to a halt when the duo met up with drummer Pat Carr, and the people's choice, Mr. Franklin Boss (recently returned from a combat tour of duty in Iraq). Finally, Torture Box was on its way making a name for themselves. As luck would have it, drummer Pat Carr had to leave the band to fulfill his obligation as an Army reservist, so once again the band was short a member. Fortunately, this was a minor setback because they were able pick up Daniel Yoder, who took over as the new drummer for Torture Box. More personnel changes...

In spite of a seemingly revolving band roster, in December of 2009 the band achieved a major mile stone when the were personally invited by renowned model, Metal Sanaz to play at the Legendary Whisky a Go Go in West Hollywood, CA. One thing is for sure, Torture Box is steadily becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Olympia music, and the rest of the West Coast.

Ginger benifit concert at the 4th Avenue Tavern


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a good intro to your blog.
    I adore your first photo (Whiskey A Go Go) and would suggest that your template should reflect that picture. Maybe do a black background with white text or something, to capture the mood of Torture Box.
    I am exicted to hear more about Frank Boss.

  3. Great start. I'm also looking forward to reading more after you've got the interview done.

    "From reconnaissance to rock" is a great title, so I'll be looking for specifically, his story of going from solider to bassist.

  4. Great start. Your images are good and you have an interesting title. I'm looking forward to seeing what you discover.

  5. I agree with the commentors above. This is a great start, and I am looking forward to reading more soon. :)
